Sixteenth Sunday of the Year (21-07-2019)


  1. Parent’s Day will be celebrated on Sunday 28th July. In preparation for this celebration the family cell of our parish invites parents of all ages to a talk show ‘Parenting Kal, Aaj aur Kal’ tomorrow/ today Sunday 21st July at 6.45 pm in the church hall. We expect at least 10 parents/ grandparents from every community to take part in this talk show. Seating arrangements will be community-wise. At the end of the talk show, we will have a special prayer and blessing for 10 minutes for all the parents.
  2. We hope all of you have registered for Parent’s day. In case you have not registered in your communities, our youth have set up registration counters in the passage outside. PPC members are requested to handover the forms in the parish office latest by Tuesday 23rd July 2019.
  3. Please note: due to Parent’s day celebrations in the Church hall next Sunday, the Sunday evening 5.30 mass will be in the A V Hall on the second floor.
  4. Eco-kids groups have started functioning in their respective communities. Parents please send your children for the monthly eco-kids meetings and activities.
  5. Bible Quiz will be held tomorrow/ today after the 9.30 am mass. Participants kindly come on time and occupy two classrooms on the 1st floor.
  6. Those PPC members who have not yet submitted their list of community animators, kindly do so by Tuesday 23rd July 2019 in the parish office.
  7. All cells and associations of the parish are required to submit their list of registered members along with their phone nos. Also mark in the list the names of the office bearers. This is needed for the Family handbook.
  8. Parish visiting this week will take place in community no. 18 Shankarwadi and community no. 1 Apna Ghar.
  9. (only 9.30 am mass). We thank Community No. 2 for animating today’s liturgy. Next Sunday Community No. 3 will animate the liturgy.
  10. Good Parenting Programme for parents of FHC and Confirmation will be held on Sunday 28th July after the 8.15 am mass. This programme is open to other parents as well.