12th NOVEMBER, 2023 –31st SUNDAY (OT- A)

  1. Children’s day is celebrated on Tuesday, 14th November. A special Eucharist for children will be celebrated with a blessing for all children after the evening 7pm mass on 14th November.
  2. Church painting works has begun. Inconvenience is regretted. Kindly keep this intention in prayer.
  3. Kindly Pray for the safety and protection of 42 youth of our parish who are going to Goa today.
  4. Praise and Worship for the Youth with Live Band, testimonies and anointed worship before the Blessed Sacrament by YU4C group is organized on Saturday, 18th Nov, i.e next Saturday from 8pm to 9:15pm. in the church. All youth and children are invited. Parents kindly encourage and send your children.
  5. Feast of Christ the King is celebrated on Sun, 26th Nov. In the morning Devotion mass will be celebrated by Fr Felix D’Souza. In the evening there will be a procession with the Blessed Sacrament covering all the areas of the parish proclaiming Jesus Christ as the Universal King to everyone. Posters, banners, hymns, prayers and blessings for all. Kindly join in large numbers as it portrays our parish Unity and also fulfils evangelisation mandate.
  6. Admission forms for Junior K.G. for Catholics will be distributed on 5th December from 8.30a.m. to 12 noon for the academic year 2024-2025.

Mission Sunday collection amounted to Rs. 7150/-

Last Sunday’s collection amounted to Rs.23, 880/- which is for the parish Trust. Thank you for your generosity.
                                       MAY INFANT JESUS BLESS YOU and YOUR FAMILY